**Aside** Knights and Ladies (back to the healing story soon)
Recently my hubby and I went shopping for clothes together. It's been a LONG time since I got new things and I've lost 20 lbs and several inches in the last months (hooray for a more active lifestyle!!). One of his faves is a simple, straightline sundress with a pretty floral print. Today was the first time I'd worn it. He enjoyed seeing me in it this morning, left for work, and the kids and I ran out for some errands. The following conversation ensued after I ran into the front office of our RV complex, leaving the oldest in charge of the littles outside: Me: Okay, y'all, onward to the next stop. 5-yr-old son: Mommy, did any of the boys in there kiss you because you look so beautiful? Me (trying hard not to laugh): No, sweetheart. Nobody kissed me. 5-yr-old : I think some of the boys wanted to kiss you. Did they? Me : No, honey. Mommy won't let anybody but Daddy kiss me. 5-yr-old : Good. 'Cuz if they did, I'd punch 'em. Then I'd tie them up and s...