Wait.Now Go.

Red Light. Wait. Wait. Wait.

I really am not very good at that word. I don't like hearing it. I don't like doing it. I understand that it is necessary. I get it that rushing ahead with my own ideas, plans, energies is just not productive. I have personal experience with the destruction that my haste can bring and the beyond-anything-I-could-imagine things that can happen when I just stop and wait. It still makes me want to stomp my feet and throw a hissy fit.

Green Light. Go. No, really. Go. Now. RUN!!!

Until I'm in the middle of watching the things that God has hands to do when He isn't so busy having to use them untangling me from thornbushes and catching me in mid-fall from the cliffs I've hurried myself right into. (I know. His hands are never too small. But it's gotta at least make it *easier* on Him when I'm not pulling that kind of mess!) Now is one of those watching times. HE amazes me. The Good Shepherd who cares tenderly for each of His sheep. Who knows each one of us from before birth. Who has a plan to work every event in our lives together for good. And I get to see one of those awesome steps in the plan unfold. All because, with the help of some friends, I actually obeyed this time and waited.

I'll give you the short story now and use following posts to fill in the details of what God has done. He has fulfilled a desire of my heart and is using that fulfilling to help fulfill the desires in another family's hearts. Don't you love it when you *see* how we are all one body that He entwines together?

Anyone who has read my blog or been familiar with my FaceBook account has seen me mention little Daniel who is being adopted by the Carlin family. Those readers have also seen me both announce my intent to run a half-marathon *and* come to the disheartening realization that I had no funds with which to enter that half-marathon. Here's the "one body" part (and a few of the goosebumps, too!). God has made a way to pay that entry fee. He has done it by honoring the requests of a very few of His kids who laid the desires of their hearts before Him. He has done it by means that could not possibly be ascribed to anyone else's glory. He has done it so that the Carlin's ministry to Daniel of providing a home, a family, a LIFE, may be that many steps closer to reality. He has done it. And He has proven, once again, that where two or more are gathered in His name (even if our gathering place is cyberspace) HE shows up.

As of now, I have officially registered to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon on February 27, 2011. I will be running to raise funds for Daniel. The cost of adopting a special needs child internationally can be staggeringly high. The cost of the Carlin's inability to adopt over such a minor thing as money would be unthinkable. So I will run the race that has been set before me while trusting God to provide once again.

If you are compelled (I do not use this word lightly; I believe firmly in the unsilencable urging of the Holy Spirit to act and I do not ask or expect anyone to do something out of obligation or guilt) to become a part in bringing Daniel home to his adopting family, to sponsor him by sponsoring my run, please click one of the two links now visible in my sidebar. Any amount will help and 100% of what is given will go directly to the Carlin family for Daniel. The first is a Chip-In account which will accept any amount and will go to the family. Gifts given here will not be tax deductible. The other is a direct link to the Carlin family's grant account at Reece's Rainbow, the non-profit organization that is facilitating Daniel's adoption. This avenue will be able to give you the proper documentation to make your gift tax deductible.

Whether it is your part in Daniel's story to donate, to be a voice advocating by linking your blog or FaceBook account, to lift his need before the Father and wait believing that He will answer... whatever your role in this story, it is my prayer that you will play it without hesitation.


  1. GIDDY I tell you!!!!
    You will be running on angels wings. I can see you now. The joy filling your heart is going to float you right along. I'll be cheering you on....

    Thank you thankyou thankyou Daddy!!!


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